Monday, June 20, 2011

Hop up out the bed, turn my swag on

OH MAN do I have some delightful news for you...or rather even more delightful for me.

You all know of my sad sad life workin at the BB all these years, and my desperate attempt to get the heck outta there. Well I am pleased to say that my dream is finally coming true. I will be peacin out on the 28th. 

Why you ask?

I got a freaking new job! Halle-freakin-lujah. 

Before I tell you where, let me start by saying that I will be making $11.54/hr working 40 hrs a week. Huge change. So great. 

So I got a job at Convergys. I know, a call center?'s inbound customer service calls dealing with the post office. I really think it won't be that bad and I think I will like it. Right now I'm just so grateful that I found this and that it pays so well and I will actually be working full time.

No more BB. EVER. I will never go back. Only sucky thing is no more free movies ha. But I'm sure my BB peeps will still hook me up. They better. Maybe I'll just get I allowed to say that?

So I start June 29th. Only sad thing is that now I won't be able to go to Cali for the 4th of July. But do not fret...I get to go up to Seattle on Wednesday for like 4 days. My cousin is getting married so I'm really excited I get to go. I didn't wanna miss it.

So there you go. Greatest news ever, yes? YES.

Next wish in life: Get a boyfriend...I'll keep ya posted but don't hold your breath...unless you are me... because I can hold it for a really long time :) 

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