We had awesome seats. Turned out to be row 6 with how the stage was set up. We had aisle seats and she came down on the floor and walked around and walked right by us. Yes, I touched her hand. Yes, it was awesome. Picture and video will be provided at the bottom. She had sweet openers. Charlie Worsham and Needtobreathe. They were really good.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
i was enchanted to meet you...
So I went and saw T-Swift in concert last Wednesday. Pretty much it was freakin awesome. We took my little sister Capri. It was her first concert.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
it's a fine fine day
So this one time me and Jessica decided to go to Disneyland over Labor Day weekend. Well we ended up having the greatest time ever. So I made this little video so you all can be jealous of all the fun things we did. We probs saw 2 celebrities while we were there. I don't know, someone named Ryan Gosling or something. Some girl named Eva Mendez? nbd. Oh wait....it was awesome. Yup. Towards the end of the vid they will be making a small appearance. Get excited.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Baby's black balloon makes her fly
Sometimes I win things....
I was very excited about my winnings this time. Ok let me tell you aaaallll about it...
So I won tickets to go see Parachute, Michelle Branch, and the Goo Goo Dolls last Thursday. WHAT?! Yes. Well it gets even better...I also got meet and greet passes to see Michelle. I was pretty much freaking out, considering I grew up loving both of these people.
So I took my wonderful friend Cassey with me. It was up in Park City so we headed up there. Apparently I am horrible at knowing the streets up there because we ended up having to walk like 50 blocks UPHILL to finally get to where we were going. Next time I definitely will know that I can park closer. But we finally made it to Cafe Terigo and had to wait a few minutes before going in. As we were sitting there Michelle came in right in front of us. I was trying so hard to think of something clever, funny, interesting to say, but all I could do was sit there looking like a retard while having a freakout attack. haha
Ok so the time came and it was amazing. She played us like 4 songs and answered some questions. She is so pretty and nice. Turns out she is married to someone in her band (not the guy you will see in the pic) and they have a 6 yr old daughter! How precious is that? I think very. We saw her later at the real concert and Michelle played this adorable song she wrote for her daughter. So cute. So after she was done playing we got to go meet her and take a pic with her. Again...wanting to say something great but all I came up with was a hello and a we love you. I am super cool. But hey, it beats "Pretty lady" any day.
Next came the big concert. We headed down to the amphitheater. Soooo many people were already there so we didn't get amazing seats or anything. Plus they were just on the grass. Being the genius I am, we didn't bring any blankets or anything. Stupid idiot. But we got ourselves a Goo Goo Dolls shirt and found some seats.
A lot of strange things were goin down up there. So many baskets full of cheese, wine, bread. We were so confused. Especially at the fact of how many people brought their own legit wine glasses plus wine glass holders! Ha it was so crazy.
Sidenote: Elizabeth Smart may or may not have walked right by us. And I may or may not have taken a stalker pic of her after she walked by....
Parachute opened. Um I love them. I only have a few of their songs but they are so good live. These girls next to us were obsessed with them and had made these awesome homemade Parachute shirts. They ended up sharing their blanket with us which made us love them even more.
Michelle was next and she rocked it again....lastly came the Goo Goo Dolls. They were amazing. So freakin good. It was such a great concert. The one downside was how freezing cold it got. Wearing shorts and short sleeves is not good at night in Park City. We were using our shirts as blankets...that didn't turn out so good ha. But we worked it out and it was pretty much an awesome day.
I was very excited about my winnings this time. Ok let me tell you aaaallll about it...
So I won tickets to go see Parachute, Michelle Branch, and the Goo Goo Dolls last Thursday. WHAT?! Yes. Well it gets even better...I also got meet and greet passes to see Michelle. I was pretty much freaking out, considering I grew up loving both of these people.
So I took my wonderful friend Cassey with me. It was up in Park City so we headed up there. Apparently I am horrible at knowing the streets up there because we ended up having to walk like 50 blocks UPHILL to finally get to where we were going. Next time I definitely will know that I can park closer. But we finally made it to Cafe Terigo and had to wait a few minutes before going in. As we were sitting there Michelle came in right in front of us. I was trying so hard to think of something clever, funny, interesting to say, but all I could do was sit there looking like a retard while having a freakout attack. haha
Ok so the time came and it was amazing. She played us like 4 songs and answered some questions. She is so pretty and nice. Turns out she is married to someone in her band (not the guy you will see in the pic) and they have a 6 yr old daughter! How precious is that? I think very. We saw her later at the real concert and Michelle played this adorable song she wrote for her daughter. So cute. So after she was done playing we got to go meet her and take a pic with her. Again...wanting to say something great but all I came up with was a hello and a we love you. I am super cool. But hey, it beats "Pretty lady" any day.
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A lot of strange things were goin down up there. So many baskets full of cheese, wine, bread. We were so confused. Especially at the fact of how many people brought their own legit wine glasses plus wine glass holders! Ha it was so crazy.
Sidenote: Elizabeth Smart may or may not have walked right by us. And I may or may not have taken a stalker pic of her after she walked by....
Yes, yes I did |
Michelle was next and she rocked it again....lastly came the Goo Goo Dolls. They were amazing. So freakin good. It was such a great concert. The one downside was how freezing cold it got. Wearing shorts and short sleeves is not good at night in Park City. We were using our shirts as blankets...that didn't turn out so good ha. But we worked it out and it was pretty much an awesome day.
Thanks MY 99.5 |
Saturday, August 6, 2011
like ships in the night
The exact words that came out of my mouth during a call at work today:
"So your ex daughter in-law is having her friend Boots come over and steal your mail?"
The stories I hear...
Artist of the week still goes to Mat Kearney
"So your ex daughter in-law is having her friend Boots come over and steal your mail?"
The stories I hear...
Artist of the week still goes to Mat Kearney
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Young love
So my job is very entertaining. I get to talk to some pretty crazy people.
Here is one of my favorites so far:
This clearly sounding black women calls up wanting to report some mail theft. But somehow she got off on this huge tangent and I got way too much info than I needed slash wanted to hear. Please read in a black women's accent. Here are some of her best lines during the convo:
"I'm Mrs. Washington's baby. Do you know who Mrs. Washington is?" Me-"Yes ma'am, I do"
(Hmmm...I didn't know Mrs. Washington had a secret black baby...or did she?)
"I'm gonna call the white house after I'm done talkin to you. My boyfren works at the white house"
"My husbans been sleepin with my neighbor. He been sleepin with white women. I don't ker. I sleep with white men, black men, mexicans, I aint racist."
"I been gettin rapped in my house. The police come in a shoot at me. Why they gotta shoot at me? I didn't do nothin. I don't want to be shot at."
Ya...all those words came out of the same lady during the same conversation. I later talked to a lady who told me she had to get her gun out and that she has to carry a gun around now because of her ex-husband. Haha. Crazies.
Today was my day off for the week. Not looking forward to Saturday morning, 7 am. Death.
Speaking of music...Mat Kearney's new CD came out today. I was very excited because I found this bumpin coupon for the deluxe edition for only $5.99 at Best Buy. iTunes doesn't have the deluxe version, and it costs $7.99. Duh I'm goin with the cheaper price for more songs. So I drove up to Best Buy, all happy and excited to buy this awesome CD. Well turns out they had already sold out! What?! I was very mad. And I wasted my life driving up there for nothing. Stupid idiot. So I gave in and bought the regular version on iTunes. It was worth it. I'm in love with it already. Go check it out.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
tell me everything tell me every little thing
Apparently I have had nothing exciting going on in my life for over a month...
Maybe I've just been way too busy doing awesome things to share them with you...
Ok it's prob because I am too lazy to come up with what to blog about. Plus I guess I have been sorta busy lately with my NEW JOB. Why don't I start with that, yes?]
So my new job is going great. We are almost completely done with training. This past week we have been on the phones. I have talked to some crazies, lots of B's, and very entertaining people. Been yelled at a few times, mostly hilarious, semi frightening. But it's pretty fun and I am slowly but surely getting the hang of things. The people I work with are cool. Very different but make me laugh every day. It's great working full time. Definitely keeps me busy and the time flies. Funniest thing was when a guy told me he couldn't write down a number cause he was sittin on the toilet.
I guess that really is all I have going on right now. I did go to 7 peaks yesterday for the first time of the summer slash my life. It was great. I am not a water park kind of person but it was nice just chillin in the wave pool, gettin tan. But here's the thing...for some reason I become a freako when it comes to sunscreen. I stress about what SPF to get, how much to put on, or if I even should put any on. Now I haven't been in the sun for a while and i didn't wanna fry so I got some SPF15 and sprayed it all over. I didn't even get like any sun! What the? I am pretty furious. I guess next time I will know to not put as much on.
Song of the week goes to Demi Lovato. Skyscrapper. uhmazing
Maybe I've just been way too busy doing awesome things to share them with you...
Ok it's prob because I am too lazy to come up with what to blog about. Plus I guess I have been sorta busy lately with my NEW JOB. Why don't I start with that, yes?]
So my new job is going great. We are almost completely done with training. This past week we have been on the phones. I have talked to some crazies, lots of B's, and very entertaining people. Been yelled at a few times, mostly hilarious, semi frightening. But it's pretty fun and I am slowly but surely getting the hang of things. The people I work with are cool. Very different but make me laugh every day. It's great working full time. Definitely keeps me busy and the time flies. Funniest thing was when a guy told me he couldn't write down a number cause he was sittin on the toilet.
I guess that really is all I have going on right now. I did go to 7 peaks yesterday for the first time of the summer slash my life. It was great. I am not a water park kind of person but it was nice just chillin in the wave pool, gettin tan. But here's the thing...for some reason I become a freako when it comes to sunscreen. I stress about what SPF to get, how much to put on, or if I even should put any on. Now I haven't been in the sun for a while and i didn't wanna fry so I got some SPF15 and sprayed it all over. I didn't even get like any sun! What the? I am pretty furious. I guess next time I will know to not put as much on.
Song of the week goes to Demi Lovato. Skyscrapper. uhmazing
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
so close you can almost taste it
So I just read my emails and this is one of them that I got...
You would think that this would be great news, right? Performance by Andy Grammer...who I have recently become acquainted with thanks to free downloads on iTunes. He had a free music video a few months ago and then last week his song was one of the free singles of the week. They are actually really good. And it's a no brainer when it comes to loving Natasha Bedingfield. LOVE HER.
Well...due to my awesome, fun, exciting trip to WA tomorrow, I will unfortunately not be able to be in 2 places at once. I'm especially slash mostly sad about not being able to see Natasha. Like really sad. She is amazing. I'm a big fan and I've always wanted to see her.
Also I guess I'm not allowed to give the tickets to someone else. LAME. What a waste of my winnings.
But thanks my 99.5 I can always count on you to give me free things.
Congratulations from MY 99.5!!!
You and a guest are invited to an Andy Grammer private performance on June 23rd from 11am - 1pm at Flemings, at The Gateway in Salt Lake. At the performance you will pick up two (2) tickets to Natasha Bedingfield. She will be performing later that night at The State Room
You would think that this would be great news, right? Performance by Andy Grammer...who I have recently become acquainted with thanks to free downloads on iTunes. He had a free music video a few months ago and then last week his song was one of the free singles of the week. They are actually really good. And it's a no brainer when it comes to loving Natasha Bedingfield. LOVE HER.
Well...due to my awesome, fun, exciting trip to WA tomorrow, I will unfortunately not be able to be in 2 places at once. I'm especially slash mostly sad about not being able to see Natasha. Like really sad. She is amazing. I'm a big fan and I've always wanted to see her.
Also I guess I'm not allowed to give the tickets to someone else. LAME. What a waste of my winnings.
But thanks my 99.5 I can always count on you to give me free things.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hop up out the bed, turn my swag on
OH MAN do I have some delightful news for you...or rather even more delightful for me.
You all know of my sad sad life workin at the BB all these years, and my desperate attempt to get the heck outta there. Well I am pleased to say that my dream is finally coming true. I will be peacin out on the 28th.
Why you ask?
I got a freaking new job! Halle-freakin-lujah.
Before I tell you where, let me start by saying that I will be making $11.54/hr working 40 hrs a week. Huge change. So great.
So I got a job at Convergys. I know, a call center? BUT...it's inbound customer service calls dealing with the post office. I really think it won't be that bad and I think I will like it. Right now I'm just so grateful that I found this and that it pays so well and I will actually be working full time.
No more BB. EVER. I will never go back. Only sucky thing is no more free movies ha. But I'm sure my BB peeps will still hook me up. They better. Maybe I'll just get Netflix...am I allowed to say that?
So I start June 29th. Only sad thing is that now I won't be able to go to Cali for the 4th of July. But do not fret...I get to go up to Seattle on Wednesday for like 4 days. My cousin is getting married so I'm really excited I get to go. I didn't wanna miss it.
So there you go. Greatest news ever, yes? YES.
Next wish in life: Get a boyfriend...I'll keep ya posted but don't hold your breath...unless you are me... because I can hold it for a really long time :)
So there you go. Greatest news ever, yes? YES.
Next wish in life: Get a boyfriend...I'll keep ya posted but don't hold your breath...unless you are me... because I can hold it for a really long time :)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
you make me happy, whether you know it or not
So basically I have huge news to share...but that's for another day soon to come! haha. It's late but I wanted to share something that happened at work tonight.
Sometimes customers at BB are super chatty and there's really nothing you can do but nod, smile, and hope they have a point to all the nonsense. Well tonight I was the victim to an extreme talker.
It started off nice and casual, then I realized I was in for it. Turns out this guy is an author and so he told me about his novel and how I should read it...except it isn't in bookstores ha. I guess it's available online for me to look it up. He even gave me his card. Anyways...he started going off on all these tangents and I just didn't even understand some of the things he was talking about. But things started getting interesting when he started talking about life and what makes us happy.
He said to me that the key to life is empathy. Empathy in everything we do. I really like what he said. He talked so highly of his wife and how her life is full of empathy as well as his children. Now, I'm no good with words and my memory is trash so I won't be able to say all he said but what he said really made an impact on me.
He talked about not expecting anything in return as well. Lately I have done the exact opposite. I have been selfish and it won't get me anywhere. We need to have empathy and not expect anything in return. Doing things for people shouldn't be about owing any favors or receiving anything special.
He also talked about happiness. He asked what makes people happy? The answer he gave me was improvement. BAM. So true. We all have room for improvement, whatever category it may fall in. Being a better person, accomplishing something, staying positive. Lately I have been working on little things to be a better person and it totally has made me happier. I can't remember but I think he also mentioned something about our decisions and how we have a choice in the way we let things effect us. Choose to be happy. Why would you choose to be sad, angry, negative? Not good.
This guy seriously talked to me for about an hour. Holy long. Even tho some parts were crazy...talking about the life of his kids, his book (which apparently is better than Harry Potter), his wife, the world...he gave me some pretty good advice to think about. He said "why am I telling you all of this?" and then said "because for some reason you were supposed to hear it."
Oh yes I think I was. So thank you to Mr. Douglas Warren.
His novel is called Winds of Freedom. I'm not sure how I will find it. But here is his website if any of you want to check it out. He has a few text books as well, which I'm pretty sure I got the crash course version of his book Mind Over Time all in a BB visit...
Strive for improvement. Be happier. Show empathy. Expect nothing.
Sometimes customers at BB are super chatty and there's really nothing you can do but nod, smile, and hope they have a point to all the nonsense. Well tonight I was the victim to an extreme talker.
It started off nice and casual, then I realized I was in for it. Turns out this guy is an author and so he told me about his novel and how I should read it...except it isn't in bookstores ha. I guess it's available online for me to look it up. He even gave me his card. Anyways...he started going off on all these tangents and I just didn't even understand some of the things he was talking about. But things started getting interesting when he started talking about life and what makes us happy.
He said to me that the key to life is empathy. Empathy in everything we do. I really like what he said. He talked so highly of his wife and how her life is full of empathy as well as his children. Now, I'm no good with words and my memory is trash so I won't be able to say all he said but what he said really made an impact on me.
He talked about not expecting anything in return as well. Lately I have done the exact opposite. I have been selfish and it won't get me anywhere. We need to have empathy and not expect anything in return. Doing things for people shouldn't be about owing any favors or receiving anything special.
He also talked about happiness. He asked what makes people happy? The answer he gave me was improvement. BAM. So true. We all have room for improvement, whatever category it may fall in. Being a better person, accomplishing something, staying positive. Lately I have been working on little things to be a better person and it totally has made me happier. I can't remember but I think he also mentioned something about our decisions and how we have a choice in the way we let things effect us. Choose to be happy. Why would you choose to be sad, angry, negative? Not good.
This guy seriously talked to me for about an hour. Holy long. Even tho some parts were crazy...talking about the life of his kids, his book (which apparently is better than Harry Potter), his wife, the world...he gave me some pretty good advice to think about. He said "why am I telling you all of this?" and then said "because for some reason you were supposed to hear it."
Oh yes I think I was. So thank you to Mr. Douglas Warren.
His novel is called Winds of Freedom. I'm not sure how I will find it. But here is his website if any of you want to check it out. He has a few text books as well, which I'm pretty sure I got the crash course version of his book Mind Over Time all in a BB visit...
Strive for improvement. Be happier. Show empathy. Expect nothing.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
And i think i like how the day sounds
Should we talk about blogger for a minute? Um no because it is a moron. So let me begin re-typing EVERYTHING because it won't let me copy and paste it into here. Also ruining my font. Stupid idiot.
Um, this is gonna be kinda long. So don't get bored. READ IT. I will cut you...

I spent most of the day carrying them around, walking barefoot all over temple square, trying to look like I was "wearing" them.
But we did run into the royal family. Prince Harry was clearly there...along with the hats.
Me and Age just takin some pics of ourselves at the reception. We found this little log cabin thing. It was pretty sweet.
Sidenote #2: I love cats. So what. I was sitting at Red Robin the other week, obviously eating, when I suddenly realized I was in fact sitting right under the cutest thing ever. Yes a cat. I just had to take a pic.
Speaking of cats...which should be done more often...I just ran into one last week. Right outside the Dev. It was practically waiting for me to pick it up...so I did.
Look who I ran into the very next day...
One time I was a bridesmaid in my wonderful friend Ashley Pond's (now Craven) wedding. Pretty much she was gorgeous. Her dress was amazing. The wedding was so great. And yes I caught the bouquet. Do I hear bells?

Sidenote: I do not wear heels. Like eeeevvveeerrr. Except the 3 times that I have been a bridesmaid. So this was one of those rare shocking occasions that I wore heels. But these weren't just any ordinary heels. No. They were non-human heels that were fifty feet high. I tried picking out some cute ones, then sent the choices to my mom for her opinion. Her words: "Those are all ugly, get these." Thank you mom.
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Hence the giantness compared to Ash |
So this is what I ended up with...
I spent most of the day carrying them around, walking barefoot all over temple square, trying to look like I was "wearing" them.
But we did run into the royal family. Prince Harry was clearly there...along with the hats.
Me and Age just takin some pics of ourselves at the reception. We found this little log cabin thing. It was pretty sweet.
Sidenote #2: I love cats. So what. I was sitting at Red Robin the other week, obviously eating, when I suddenly realized I was in fact sitting right under the cutest thing ever. Yes a cat. I just had to take a pic.
Speaking of cats...which should be done more often...I just ran into one last week. Right outside the Dev. It was practically waiting for me to pick it up...so I did.
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It had a collar. Quit being grossed out |
Hahaha. Ok I mostly took all these cat pictures as a joke to mock my love for them. But really I kinda secretly loved every minute of it. Don't be hatin on my cats. I promise I won't grow up and have fifty of them. Definitely one tho.
Ok enough sidenotes...
So we went and saw Mindy Gledhill on Friday night. Pretty much am obsessed with her church music. It's just soooo good. She played normal music tho, still good but I could listen to her church stuff all day. She was great.

Basically it was just awesome. Plus we were on top of a building. Jealous much?
Ok enough sidenotes...
So we went and saw Mindy Gledhill on Friday night. Pretty much am obsessed with her church music. It's just soooo good. She played normal music tho, still good but I could listen to her church stuff all day. She was great.

Basically it was just awesome. Plus we were on top of a building. Jealous much?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
do you hear that love, they're playing our song
What happened in my life yesterday? Ok I will tell you...
So I occasionally enter radio station contests, I know, pretty legit right? Well I won some passes to this private lunchtime performance of a band called He Is We. Not many people have heard of them but really they should. They are super good so I was pretty stoked about it. I brought along the lovely Taylor Veater who is also a big fan. It was pretty great. Got a delicious lunch, heard a few songs, got autographs and a pic. It was great. They seriously made a different face with every single person they took a pic with. Too bad our face was an eyes closed weirdy face.
The first hour of American Idol didn’t record because I have too many things recording at once. Idiot. NBD...I just caught the recap at the end of the show. Seriously if cowboy wins...I will cut someone.
So my roommates have heard enough of this but I just have to tell you guys too. It just made me so ticked. Ok so I ordered Dominos pizza later that night. I know, delicious. Now, one of my favorite things about Dominos is their semi-newish crust that has like garlic goodness all over it. So the dude asks me what kind of crust I wanted and I specifically say that I want the kind that has the delicious garlic stuff on it (which would be just the regular crust since they do that every time now). Soooo...then I decide to get some cinnamon sticks and he asks what kind of sauce I want with them and I obviously say I want the frosting. DUH. So I get home, open my pizza box, AND THE CRUST HAS NO GALRIC STUFF ON IT. what. the. I’m furious at this point. But I try to move past it and eat the pizza anyways. Dessert time comes and I open up my cinnamon box, AND THERE IS NO FROSTING. seriously? yes, seriously. Why would I make such awful things up. Thanks a lot Dominos. I was pretty upset about this the whole night so I finally ended up making my own frosting because I refused to eat them without it. It prob was better tasting than Dominos anyways.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
i know i had the best day with you today
Sometimes moms are too special to explain in words alone
They are there from the start and then all of a sudden you are grown
They tell you to be careful and always choose the right
Then they see you progress, always with the Lord in sight
They let you stay up late to make you feel mature and special
Then they watch you come home early with a hug so very gentle
They show you how to love always opening your heart
Then they hold you when it’s broken, knowing from the start
They bring you treats and presents just because they care
Then they watch you give away your cookie when things aren’t fair
They buy you pretty clothes so that you sparkle in the light
Then one day help you choose that one dress that is white
They raise you and teach you, always showing you the way
Then they watch as you leave with only loving words to say
All of these things I have learned from my mom throughout the years
Thinking about her and all she has done for me brings me tears
She is all mine and is there no matter how far I may be
She will always be my mother even as long as eternity
She is my closest friend, someone I trust with my life
Always there to confide in, comforting me through strife
She stands by my side, even when I think I know better
She takes my phone call when I feel alone and miss her
She believes in me when everyone else turns their back
She lifts me up with encouraging words to get me back on track
I have become who I am today because of her example
The words I have shared with you are only a little sample
There aren’t enough great words to express how I feel
But the love I have for my mother is something that is real
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
2 am and she calls me cause i’m still awake...
Oh hello there...
Just a couple thing’s on my mind...
1. Ok so just to clarify, I don’t hate my new manager. I actually really like her. She is a very nice lady and she let’s us listen to music at work instead of watching the lame, repetitive trailer tapes. Plus it is nice to actually have someone managing the store now. I am just sad that she makes me work at night, especially weekend nights. Not cool.
2. Apparently the newbies in the Dev don’t know how to park. I got home at like 12:15 and there were still a few spots, but OH REALLY...3 of the ones outside were unparkable because the cars were taking up 1 1/2 spots. Couldn’t park there even if I tried. So I went down under and found a spot. PROBLEM: the car yet again was taking up way more than its share. Parked diagonally and just plain bad. But I managed to barely squeeze my jeep in, which can I just say is not the most petite car out there. But doing so left absolutely no room for the idiot who parked next to me to get into the car. So being the kind person I am, I wrote a little note apologizing even tho it was clearly their own fault. I just said sorry and that there was nowhere else to park and that I did my best and hope they can get in. That was nice, right? I did feel bad but they probly should learn how to park. Problem solved. I do wish I could see them have to crawl thru the passenger side to get in tho. hahaha. I am so mean. If this is in fact YOUR car, I do apologize.
4. Sad news. Actually really really BAD news. So...I took my new watch to get a new battery hoping it would fix the digital display....you guessed it...it didn’t fix it. So I am sad to say that I must return it. I really was tempted to just keep it and wear it even tho it doesn’t work. But that is just plain stupid, and I actually use watches for more than just style. Anyways...I am going to have to find a replacement for the loss. I’m thinkin I need a red or yellow watch. Or I really like this matte grey color. I’m thinkin the Time Teller is what I'll get, I just gotta choose the color. I saw this kid wearing this sweet watch, it wasn’t a Nixon but it was pretty cool looking. Remember slap bracelets? Well they made watches like them apparently. I probly could get both to make up the price difference for the one I have to return.
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Slap Watch |
The Time Teller...which color do you like?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
1, 2, 3, 4...tell me that you love me more
Oh hey…
A few things to talk about today…
#1 Changes suck
So we got a new manager at Blockbuster. Basically everything is messed up now. My schedule, the organization of things in the store, the way we have to do things now, EVERYTHING. It’s already ruining my life. But let’s be real…Blockbuster has always ruined my life, no matter who the manager is. She is a nice lady but is a firm believer of “fairness.” Her idea of fairness means me having to work nights now. H-NO
#2 Job Searching Is Hard
So I’ve been trying to find a new job. And yes it sucks. I have just been applying to anything that looks like something I can do. I had an interview at a place called ProSoft the other day. It is a receptionist job. Pray that I get it so I can get the heck out of BB immediately.
#3 Best Friend
We are now 8 days and counting away from the return of my best friend Age. I just can’t even believe the time is almost here! I cannot wait. I won’t get to see her in person til around May 26th tho. But I guess that is what skype is for!
#4 Really?
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The Dictator |
For some reason I am having the worst luck with watches. I am obsessed and kind of went on a crazy watch-buying spree. 2 watches in the last month. But I finally got one I ordered and 1-it needs a new battery and 2-one of the dials is missing. What THE? Of course this would happen to me. I hope I can work it out. Sucky thing is that it will prob take 3 weeks to work it out. It’s an awesome watch tho.
You can record your voice on it and play things back.
#5 One Day
One day I WILL have a cat
#6 Maybe
Maybe one day my life will be good enough for everyone. I know they just want what is best for me and want me to gain new experiences and be successful and such, but obviously my life isn’t good enough for them or else they wouldn’t be so concerned about it all the time. Think about it. Thank you for the concern but it’s my life and I don’t feel like it’s being wasted. I am happy. I will find my place in life eventually and it will be great. For now, I gotta be patient.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Wow. I am super good at blogging, right? Wrong. I guess I just feel like every post needs to be something epic, which it never is, so therefore I am going to try and post more often. Well I have a lot of things to catch you up on...I will keep it short and simple...
1. I figured out how to do neat font...obviously
2. I went to CO and it was amazing. Best sky in the world.
3. I went to Greg Laswell (again) and Lenka with Jordyn. It basically was amazing
4. My bestest friend in the whole world gets home from her mish in 18 days
5. I got a twitter account again. WHAT? I don’t know why I do these things. I feel very left out though. We will see how long it lasts this time.
6. So my cousin Cole is basically amazing with music. He mixes things and raps and stuff. I think it's so cool. So I wrote some lyrics and got him to rap them. So here is the final product we made while I was in CO. The song is called Get Back Up. Check it out. http://colew.bandcamp.com/
whip cream game (I lost both times) |
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I love them |
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Tenley & Kenyon |
Amazing |
So cute |
I'm a creeper...sittin on top of the table to be closer to her |
Love him |
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