You all know of my sad sad life workin at the BB all these years, and my desperate attempt to get the heck outta there. Well I am pleased to say that my dream is finally coming true. I will be peacin out on the 28th.
Why you ask?
I got a freaking new job! Halle-freakin-lujah.
Before I tell you where, let me start by saying that I will be making $11.54/hr working 40 hrs a week. Huge change. So great.
So I got a job at Convergys. I know, a call center?'s inbound customer service calls dealing with the post office. I really think it won't be that bad and I think I will like it. Right now I'm just so grateful that I found this and that it pays so well and I will actually be working full time.
No more BB. EVER. I will never go back. Only sucky thing is no more free movies ha. But I'm sure my BB peeps will still hook me up. They better. Maybe I'll just get I allowed to say that?
So I start June 29th. Only sad thing is that now I won't be able to go to Cali for the 4th of July. But do not fret...I get to go up to Seattle on Wednesday for like 4 days. My cousin is getting married so I'm really excited I get to go. I didn't wanna miss it.
So there you go. Greatest news ever, yes? YES.
Next wish in life: Get a boyfriend...I'll keep ya posted but don't hold your breath...unless you are me... because I can hold it for a really long time :)
So there you go. Greatest news ever, yes? YES.
Next wish in life: Get a boyfriend...I'll keep ya posted but don't hold your breath...unless you are me... because I can hold it for a really long time :)