So basically I have huge news to share...but that's for another day soon to come! haha. It's late but I wanted to share something that happened at work tonight.
Sometimes customers at BB are super chatty and there's really nothing you can do but nod, smile, and hope they have a point to all the nonsense. Well tonight I was the victim to an extreme talker.
It started off nice and casual, then I realized I was in for it. Turns out this guy is an author and so he told me about his novel and how I should read it...except it isn't in bookstores ha. I guess it's available online for me to look it up. He even gave me his card. Anyways...he started going off on all these tangents and I just didn't even understand some of the things he was talking about. But things started getting interesting when he started talking about life and what makes us happy.
He said to me that the key to life is empathy. Empathy in everything we do. I really like what he said. He talked so highly of his wife and how her life is full of empathy as well as his children. Now, I'm no good with words and my memory is trash so I won't be able to say all he said but what he said really made an impact on me.
He talked about not expecting anything in return as well. Lately I have done the exact opposite. I have been selfish and it won't get me anywhere. We need to have empathy and not expect anything in return. Doing things for people shouldn't be about owing any favors or receiving anything special.
He also talked about happiness. He asked what makes people happy? The answer he gave me was improvement. BAM. So true. We all have room for improvement, whatever category it may fall in. Being a better person, accomplishing something, staying positive. Lately I have been working on little things to be a better person and it totally has made me happier. I can't remember but I think he also mentioned something about our decisions and how we have a choice in the way we let things effect us. Choose to be happy. Why would you choose to be sad, angry, negative? Not good.
This guy seriously talked to me for about an hour. Holy long. Even tho some parts were crazy...talking about the life of his kids, his book (which apparently is better than Harry Potter), his wife, the world...he gave me some pretty good advice to think about. He said "why am I telling you all of this?" and then said "because for some reason you were supposed to hear it."
Oh yes I think I was. So thank you to Mr. Douglas Warren.
His novel is called Winds of Freedom. I'm not sure how I will find it. But here is his website if any of you want to check it out. He has a few text books as well, which I'm pretty sure I got the crash course version of his book Mind Over Time all in a BB visit...
Strive for improvement. Be happier. Show empathy. Expect nothing.
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