Sometimes moms are too special to explain in words alone
They are there from the start and then all of a sudden you are grown
They tell you to be careful and always choose the right
Then they see you progress, always with the Lord in sight
They let you stay up late to make you feel mature and special
Then they watch you come home early with a hug so very gentle
They show you how to love always opening your heart
Then they hold you when it’s broken, knowing from the start
They bring you treats and presents just because they care
Then they watch you give away your cookie when things aren’t fair
They buy you pretty clothes so that you sparkle in the light
Then one day help you choose that one dress that is white
They raise you and teach you, always showing you the way
Then they watch as you leave with only loving words to say
All of these things I have learned from my mom throughout the years
Thinking about her and all she has done for me brings me tears
She is all mine and is there no matter how far I may be
She will always be my mother even as long as eternity
She is my closest friend, someone I trust with my life
Always there to confide in, comforting me through strife
She stands by my side, even when I think I know better
She takes my phone call when I feel alone and miss her
She believes in me when everyone else turns their back
She lifts me up with encouraging words to get me back on track
I have become who I am today because of her example
The words I have shared with you are only a little sample
There aren’t enough great words to express how I feel
But the love I have for my mother is something that is real
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